George Baldovin was born and raised in a family of musicians in the Romanian city of Iasi. He started his ballet education at "Octav Bancila" College of Arts in Iasi at the age of 12, while simultaneouly obtaining musical education from his brother, Jul Baldovin. After six years of musical activity along with his brother and followed by national and international concerts and music awards, he decided to continue his education in classical and modern ballet. At the age of 19, he left Romania to pursue his career in Slovenia, Croatia and England as a ballet dancer, assistant choreographer, choreographer, and composer for modern and contemporary ballet.
During his career as a ballet dancer he had the opportunity to work with world renowned choreographers like Vladimir Malachov, Nacho Duato, Patrice Bart, Derek Dean, Eduard Clug, Youri Vamos, Van Mannen, Irek Muchamedov, Paul Bos (George Balanchine trust), Leo Mujić, Valeri Koftun,Victor Litvinov, among others, as well as touring with different ballet groups to England, Scotland, Russia, Mexico, Italy, Luxembourg, Sicily, Austria, etc.
In George´s words, "teaching ballet is a lovely experience and guiding students in this wonderful world of dance is always challenging for students and teachers alike... Sharing my expertise and love for ballet is my personal contribution to the wonderful world of dance."